Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ullamcorper suscipit mi, id convallis risus ullamcorper eget. Aenean sagittis eros nec eros euismod, quis dapibus leo semper. Mauris rutrum viverra adipiscing. Praesent ac lectus est. Quisque neque massa, interdum sed mollis vitae, suscipit at tellus. Praesent porta urna dolor, vel rutrum quam facilisis at. Duis consequat sapien et tortor pretium, vitae feugiat augue rutrum. Pellentesque quis aliquam est, vel vulputate purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas aliquet blandit semper. Ut quis felis sapien. Aenean laoreet dolor ac mattis euismod.

Sed sit amet sem dignissim, sollicitudin ante vel, consequat neque. Nunc justo lacus, rhoncus ut interdum nec, iaculis mattis orci. Donec at blandit augue, nec tristique ligula. Donec euismod nulla at erat fringilla, a porttitor lorem condimentum. Aliquam ut interdum libero, at pharetra orci. Quisque fermentum, felis ut gravida ornare, eros neque egestas dui, quis sollicitudin sem sem non ante. Fusce metus lorem, scelerisque ut diam non, vehicula dapibus sapien. Sed sagittis, ante at ornare pellentesque, sem justo consequat enim, quis adipiscing quam enim ac velit. Vestibulum condimentum tempus sapien eu porttitor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque interdum odio vel consectetur dignissim. Fusce eget tristique nulla.

Duis at purus ut est cursus imperdiet. Sed condimentum massa in enim cursus, sed mattis elit malesuada. Nunc tincidunt magna sit amet metus sagittis tempor. Maecenas lacinia condimentum ultricies. Sed et lacus nec augue venenatis interdum. Fusce sit amet luctus augue. Aenean scelerisque porttitor ultrices. Nulla dui tellus, egestas sit amet posuere sit amet, dictum tristique mauris. Praesent sed elementum mauris. Nullam et enim eget nisl eleifend auctor lobortis et dui. Curabitur at malesuada magna. Nunc nec tincidunt mauris, vitae tincidunt enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ante leo, bibendum at metus in, dignissim sodales nisi. Curabitur id augue iaculis, elementum diam eget, ultrices massa. Fusce eleifend tincidunt neque, a porta nibh faucibus non.

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Edward Sou
Tephra solar did a fabulous job on our solar system. The project manager made sure everything went smoothly. He’s an Engineer and knows what he is doing. I had estimates from several companies, and they were all about the same, but the tephra solar was fine and the services delivered were commendable.
Edward Sou
Inik Nora
We just had solar panels installed on our home by Tephra solar and are very happy with their service. The installation was done quickly and efficiently, and their price was reasonable. The panels are made in the USA, and the warranty was the best of any estimate that we received. Thanks for your services and professionalism.
Inik Nora
Tephra solar company is hilarious about its services. I contacted them to help understand how the new PUC approved rate structure changed my electric bill. They looked at my bill, explained what was happening and never asked for a penny even though I offered to pay. This action is one of the qualities of a good company. They explained the most efficient way to correct the issues and did so for a reasonable price. I recommend Tephra Solar.
Tephra Solar were great to work with. I highly recommend them. They gave a fair estimate, prepared thoroughly for the project, and completed all the work on time and on budget. Maia Hoching never stops to update us, and when he’s talking, he carefully explains all the improvements they made to the system. Thanks for the great doing.
Harris William
Very happy with the service. The installation company was polite, tidy, and punctual.
Harris William
Laetitia Delcourt
Able to explain the process in easy terms. Once we confirm the quote, the installation was quick and effortless. Tephra Solar organized smart meter and connection to the online monitoring
Laetitia Delcourt
All the people we dealt with in Tephra solar were helpful and understanding with our needs as customers. Customer service was superb.
Sakurt Son
Excellent service from all the people we dealt with, Kaulana Clark, the customer service, the office staff, the sales consultants, and the electricians are professional and courteous. Highly recommend Tephra Solar
Sakurt Son
Robin John
Overall we had a good experience with the team. The system is producing above expectations and we are extremely happy with it.
Robin John
Aiden Allos
Very efficient and helpful and left everything tidy. Also easy to contact on the phone
Aiden Allos